
Georgiadis K. Georgios
Enoikiazomena Domatia
Toroni Chalkidiki
63072 Sykia
DOY Polygyrou
AFM 045221455
Phone: +30 23750 51080
FAX: +30 23750 51080

Business registration number: 09.38.K.11.0A.01702.0.0



Online Dispute Resolution (OS-Plattform)

According to the European ODR Regulation (Regulation on extrajudicial online consumer dispute resolution) are entrepreneurs who sell to consumers from 01.09.2016 obliged a link to the appropriate platform on your page (separate from the headings Conditions and Contacts) to place.

The European Commission according to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR VO a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) ready, which can be found under